Saturday 16 June 2007

About The Mod

Thirty-Seven years ago Earth began to calm down and most, if not all, of the world nations began to get along and more fossile fules where being found so no on was worrying and everyone was happy. The on Tuesday the 24th of June the skies of earth were all of a sudden swarmed with massive ships. We heard voices coming from the ships from massive speakers saying, in many languages " Leave now. Leave now. It's your chance to live. Leave now. ". Everyone around where we lived went nuts and the roads were jammed full of cars and people running from their homes.

It's the year 2045 now. We are safe, " we " being THE RESISTANCE.
We have remained underground now for 37 years without being caught by " Sys. One ".
That reason is we move constantly underground and we have a " rat " within Sys. One, we got him in during a scouting mission to find other " still-humans ".

Our rat is still in the Sys. and hasnt been found, he's an expert.

Oh yeah.. The combine are still around. Some of the co-operate with us and help.
Some don't. Either way, we need to try fight away the System.

They want war.

[ Written by Greg Porter (aka Phexx or StereoConcept) ]

So thats the story.
This is my new mod for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch.

I have a lot of Idea's for this modification.
I'll make up a list just now if the idea's:

[A * and number means check at the bottom of this list for notes]

- Recoil will be different.
- Slight Motion blur when attacked, Screen will also shake a little, depending on the force.
- New maps and models.
- New weaponary. *1
- Different player types. *2
- Team-Deathmatch or Objective modes.

*1: Sys. One will have far more advanced and intricate weapons.
The Resistance will have weapons from 2008, but slightly modified,
For example.. AK-47, M4, Rocketlaunches, Pistols will have slight modifications, be it scopes, different bullets, lasers and/or parts of Sys. One weapons added.

*2: There will be about 4 or 5 different types of players, It will be different for both teams.
Sys. One:
Elite One (Will be "electable"): Standard Weapons, Commands team what to do.
Soldier: Standard Weapons and armor. Killing machine.
Sync: This person is the (in laymans " Camper ") person who watches out for the enemy, tells team what he sees and armed with a sniper type railgun.
(most maps will have some sort of Sys. One outpost)
Heavy: Biggest, Best, Strongest, Slowest. Heavy armour, heavy guns.
Medical Unit: What it suggests, Like a solider but with abilitiy to heal.

The Resistance:
Leader (Will be "electable"): Standard Weapons, Commands team what to do.
Soldier: Standard Weapons. Kills, kills, kills.
Scout: He will be armed with a sniper rifle with a good scope.
Gunner: Has the big guns and some armour.
Doc: This player has the standard soldier weapons, with the ability to heal players of his team.
The Rat (Random each round): This player will start in the Sys. One spawn as a Sys. One solider but can communicate with both teams, Solider weapons, has the ability to " go rogue " and tell Sys. what the Resistance are doing instead, also called " A traitor ".
Combine Elite: Standard resistance weapons with some armour.
Combine Solider: Standard soldier weapons.
Combine Medic: Standard soldier weapons, ability to heal.

The story for that is, The combines really had to move to earth because " Sys. One " a far more powerful alien population took over their planets, Now the combine have to team up with with Resistance if they want to reclaim earth.

Thats a few of the things I have in mind just now.

Whats being done just now:
We currently have a map in the process " wwn_warehouse " we will have shots of it up soon.
All art/music and anything media related is being made.
Concept art is being made.

A few coders who can code well, not newbies to code please.
Anyone to help along with the mod.

Contact or add me to msn at: